Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A New Use For My Blog

For this new term, I’m going to be using my blog as a record of what I’m learning instead of writing it down in a boring list. No matter how many pretty colours you use, a list is just a list. So I’m going to put pictures of what I’m learning about up and write a bit about them so that I’ve got a record of what I’ve done this term.

And I’m going to start this record with the book “Jamberoo Road” by Eleanor Spence. It is set in the days of convicts when people were just settling Australia. “Jamberoo Road” is the actually the sequel to “The Switherby Pilgrims” and continues the story of a group of orphans who travelled from Switherby in England to Australia with their teacher and guardian, Missabella, to start a new life in a new country.

I liked the story, though I didn’t think it was as good as “The Switherby Pilgrims”. It was not a very long book and seemed to end rather abruptly without much happening. I expected there to be far more conflict and more about each character. On the whole the problems were solved without there being much trouble. But it was still a very enjoyable book.

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